Neuen Kommentar schreiben

We just wanted to take this time to thank you for the most amazing time we had with you on our 9 week European excursion.... from checking out the architecture in Oxford to kayaking in Greece staying at your beautiful Wellness Center in Umbria to taking a cooking course in Tuscany a 8 day boat and bike trip from Mantova to Venice and checking out the sights and sounds of Amsterdam......!! :-) It truly was a trip of a life time.... We had such a good time..... we are planning on doing another bike trip in 2 or 3 years! :-) Even though we were cycling in 40+ degree temperatures with 80-100% humidity!! Enjoy the rest of the summer.... and thank you again for making our trip memorable! :-) We are most appreciative and grateful..... thank you, thank you, thank you!! :-) Randy & Sherrie Bennett :-)

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